
Ready-made Prisms to get you started quickly
Free Templates

Employee Performance Review

Set your standards and have managers fill out a brief form to easily generate reviews


Grassroots newsletter

Easily generate newsletter content

Stable Diffusion

A [blank] watching the sunset

Just add your favorite animal


Easy Cover Letter

Put in your resume and a job description to quickly create a cover letter


Ski Package Intro Email Generator

Proof of concept email assistant for a vacation manager

Coming soon!
Stable Diffusion

Logo Generator

This Prism will generate a vibrant, pastel-toned logo. You can customize it by changing the prompt or adding more user i...

Coming soon!

Business Prism

Can take in data sources and perform the following operations on them: Data analysis/NLP functions (sentiment analysis,...

Coming soon!

Personalized newsletter assistant

Searches google news every morning for X topics, emails you a summary digest

Coming soon!

Personalized web scraper

Searches the web at regular intervals for specified search terms, then scrapes each site for what it finds, deposits the...

Coming soon!

Teacher's Assistant

Takes uploads from blackboard, grades them to the teacher's standards, then deposits the graded papers in a spreadsheet,...

Coming soon!

Tabletop RPG Artist

Define parameters so your party members can generate consistent and impressive character art

Premium Templates
Coming soon